Eastwood, Clint - A01406
Eav, Kaing Guek (Duch) - A01077
Ebadi, Shirin - A00799, A01142Eckhart, Meister - A01779
Eckstein, Yechiel - A00999
Eckstine, Billy - A00097
Edelman, Gerald - A00067
Edhi, Abdul Sattar - A00633
Eckstein, Yechiel - A00999
Eckstine, Billy - A00097
Edelman, Gerald - A00067
Edhi, Abdul Sattar - A00633
Edley, Christopher - A01669
Edwards, Dennis (Lennon's Killer's Judge) - A00725
Edwards, Dennis (of the Temptations) - A00862
Egan, Edward - A00418
Edwards, Dennis (Lennon's Killer's Judge) - A00725
Edwards, Dennis (of the Temptations) - A00862
Egan, Edward - A00418
Ehlers, Walter - B00002
Einstein, Albert - A01780
Eitan, Rafi - A01004
Einstein, Albert - A01780
Eitan, Rafi - A01004
Ekaku, Hakuin - A01801
Ekuan, Kenji - A00354
El-Dabh, Halim - A00802
Ekuan, Kenji - A00354
El-Dabh, Halim - A00802
El-Hibri, Fuad - A01183
El Ifrani A01562
El Medioni, Maurice - A01639
Elie, Lolis - A00703
Elie, Lolis - A00703
Ellis, Hughes Van - A01482
Ellis, Jimmy - A00044
Ellis, Nelsan - A00754
Ellis, Jimmy - A00044
Ellis, Nelsan - A00754
Ellsberg, Daniel - A01372
Emecheta, Buchi - A00670
Emecheta, Buchi - A00670
Emerson, Ralph Waldo - A01782
Endo, Mitsuye - A01663
Entezam, Abbas Amir - A00958
Entezam, Abbas Amir - A00958
Epictetus - A01787
Epiphanes, Antiochus IV - A01868
Epstein, Anthony - A01587
Erazo, Guillermo "Papa Roncon" - A01683
Ertegun, Mica - A01511
Esslin, Martin - A01843
Estep, Maggie - A01647
Estess, Gene - A00032
Evans, Mari - A00508
Evers, Charles - A01060
Ewald, William - A00452
Estess, Gene - A00032
Evans, Mari - A00508
Evers, Charles - A01060
Ewald, William - A00452
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